  • Books
  • Pick Up In-Store

    How do I place an order online to Pick Up In-store?

    1. Add the items you want to your cart:
    Ensure all items are marked as "available" at your preferred store location. Please note that if an item is not available, the next closest store with all items available will be auto-selected during checkout.

    2. Proceed to Checkout page:
    Select "Pick Up in Store" as your "Delivery" method and check the "Store Location" selected. Change the store location selected if needed by clicking on the down arrow "v" and clicking on a store name. Please note that only stores that have available inventory for all items in your cart will appear.

    3. Complete Order: Enter your payment and complete your purchase by clicking "Pay Now". You will receive an email acknowledging your order. This is not your order confirmation, please wait for the order confirmation email to arrive prior to visiting the store.

    4. Order Confirmation: Once the store team has gathered your order (typically within 60 minutes) you will receive an Order Confirmation that reads " Your Order is Ready for Pickup". If you are ordering after store hours, we will send a confirmation within an hour of the store opening.

    5. Order Pick Up: When you arrive at your selected store, come inside and inform a Play Expert to pick up your order!


    Can I have my items gift-wrapped?

    Of course! When you pick up your order in-store, we’d be delighted to wrap them at no charge.


    Can someone else pick up my order for me?

    Yes: you can designate another person to pick up an order on your behalf, but they must show your email confirmation when they arrive at your selected store.


    How long will you hold my order?

    We’ll hold your items for five full business days once your order is ready.