  • Books
  • Palm Pals - Betsy Chick 5"

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    AGES 12 months+

    Can you guide the way for baby Betsy? Bright-eyed and ready for the world ahead of her, Betsy is wandering around to find new pals to show her the ropes!

    Betsy Chick is a vibrant yellow plush with a fluffy body and an inquisitive expression. Her bright eyes and soft, orange beak make her look ever ready to embark on her next adventure. I love wandering around, exploring every nook and cranny of the garden. Each new leaf and pebble is a mystery waiting to be solved, and I'm just the chick to do it!

    Palm Pals - Betsy Chick 5" $12.99
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    Product Specification

    Product name: Palm Pals - Betsy Chick 5"

    Brand: Palm Pals

    Manufacturer number: AW08975

    Mastermind number: 244813

    Country of Origin: Indonesia