  • Books
  • August 18, 2021 2 min read

    Self-care September: Calming School Jitters

    Self care is so important! And it’s never too early to teach kids to take mindful steps towards nurturing a healthy mind and body! Especially this time of year, when back-to-school is just around the corner. (Breathe.) By guiding your kiddos to start a self-care routine at a young age, it can help them learn how to self-soothe with different routines, new classes, jitters before tests, or any time they need a little vote of confidence when you are not by their side. In fact, kids who learn how to manage anxiety early can take these life skills with them as they grow.

    Yoga and breathing exercises are two great ways to calm emotions. We’re thrilled to work with Michelle Faber, the CEO and Founder of Little Yogis,  who offers expert tips to help improve the health and wellness of children with yoga, breathing, and mindfulness routines.

    Health & wellness practices such as yoga build essential life skills for children
    to help navigate through social & emotional development


    5 ways to keep calm by stopping & breathing

    “Parents can provide extra support for the first day of school by implementing yoga & mindfulness into your daily routine to help your child navigate all of the big emotions that come with back to school.

    Notice your child is frustrated or overwhelmed? Have them stop and take five. By using these deep breathing techniques, you can help calm emotions at home, school or on-the-go.

    High Five Breathing:

    1. Spread your hand and stretch your fingers out like a star.

    2. Pretend the pointer finger of your other hand is a pencil and imagine you are going to trace around the outline of your hand and fingers.

    3. Place your pointer finger at the bottom of your thumb and breathe in as you slide up. Breathe out as you slide down. Breathe in as you slide up your second finger and breathe out as you slide down.

    4. Repeat step 3 until you have finished tracing all your fingers and you have taken five slow breaths.

    5. How does your body feel now? Do you feel calm or would you like to take another five?”

    - Michelle Faber

    Psst, Parents! These breathing exercises are wonderful for adults, too! Kids who see their caregivers get in the zen zone can learn to imitate well-balanced social and emotional life skills just like you.  

    Michelle Faber, CEO and Founder of Little Yogis

    The High Five Breathing Routine is recommended by
    Michelle Faber, the CEO and Founder of Little Yogis,
    who offers a mobile Yoga & Mindfulness program for
    kids aged 2.5 to 13 years old in Ontario aimed to
    improve physical, mental, and emotional health.

    Written by Cathy Barbarossa, Senior Copywriter and Editor with contributions by Michelle Faber, Yoga & Mindfulness Expert


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